Sample Page -poetry – Black Book – 2/3/2024

This Poem is the inspiration for the website name.

8 - Now is Saturday, blue streaks, black clouds ahead.
7 - On the train filled with weekend voyagers,
6 - the next stop's today's  end stop.
5 - In the sky, rain falls;
4 - now spring is set.
3 - The sky changing
2 - horizons lightening 
1 - Italicized.
2 - Second pass
3 - bristling words fading
4 - under overhead clouds rising.
5 - Dragging  present time into words,
6 - gleaming history from everything and everyone.
7 -Eccos of '48 reaching into every building.
8 - Trains, on time, pass booming.  Today's daily response.

by Emmy Horstkamp  for Salaterre Poetry Collaboration.  ©️  Emmy Horstkamp